It's here and it looks like it’s here to stay for good! That’s right, its finally winter! The changing of the season brings new challenges to our fitness goals. Mainly, the COLD!
Let’s be honest, no one likes the cold! (well, most of us if you’re like me). And when you couple the cold with losing day light savings it can be hard to stay motivated and active. Whether you are working out outside or in the gym, preparing for it will help you overcome it.
Here are tips to help combat the
“winter blues” and continue moving towards your health and fitness goals.
1: Join a group or find a workout buddy
Having someone to keep you accountable always helps. It’s
easy to stay in bed when it’s just you, but when there’s someone else counting
on you, the social pressure can be an extra motivator. Additionally, your buddy
or group can provide that much needed support, camaraderie and distractions
from the bad weather.
2: Main goal – GET TO THE GYM
Just get there! Celebrate that par! Come to the MAC, and
if you haven’t tried it yet, visit Silver Strong.
If you can focus on getting dressed and getting to the gym you’ve already won
the day. The hard part is getting there so let’s make it a goal just to show
up. The rest will take care of itself.
3: Plan ahead and anticipate
“Failure to plan, is planning to fail”. Make a plan for the
morning and follow it. Watch the weather forecast and pick the proper clothes,
pack the necessary equipment and snacks, set enough alarms. Dress warm and
dress dry. Pack extra clothes for after the workout and keep a hat with you. Once
you get into the routine it becomes easier, but you have to map it out and
stick with it.
4; Focus on the benefits.
It’s easy to get frustrated when you don’t lose the weight
or feel fit right away. But remember, those benefits will come with time. The
more committed to it you are, the faster they will come. And not only will the
weight come off and the clothes fit better, but you’ll also be have an improved
mood and sleep better.
5. Reward yourself and celebrate your
Celebrate every victory. Every workout you make it
to/through is a big deal. Reward yourself somehow. Whether a cheat snack or
some “you” time give yourself something to look forward to and to work towards.
Whatever helps motivate your, use it!
Best of luck with everything and keep moving till it’s warm
again. Spring will be here before you know.
‘See you in the gym!
Coach Shelton Bynum